Duty Now for the Future

While all of my photographs are copyrighted, they are available for non-exclusive licensing and I also sell large size prints. Contact me via email at greg.jones.design@icloud.com for pricing info.
to my personal blog. Here I post examples of my photography and writing. I specialize in making unique and highly detailed photographs. Notice I said making and not taking. Yes I take photos but a lot of time and work is involved in pushing and punishing the pixels in my images to achieve the look I like.
Please feel free make comments about any of my words or photos. I enjoy constructive critiques, learning about locations to shoot or photography techniques. Click on the "Share Article" link to share any of my photos via Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Want to use one of my posts in your own blog? No problem, but please make sure it links back to the original post here and do the right thing and give me credit. Don't copy my words, crop the images, remove the watermarks or claim my work as your own. This has happened more times than I can count so I've had to report copyright violations to ISP's and regrettably the violators blog is usually taken down.
Can't we all just get along?
Kathy and I were walking around in San Francisco last March and wandered down the length of the Embarcadero. This was taken right by the Bay Bridge which had some interesting lights on it. The sunset was pretty. We both had our tripods. This was taken with my Lensbaby. I really miss San Francisco. I want to go back soon.
Recently I drove home from work in steadily falling rain. It hadn't rained in Southern California for quite a while so that was a nice change. I found myself thinking about how amazing the neon lights of Cars Land would look when reflected on the wet pavement of the streets there. I stopped at home just long enough to grab my camera, tripod and umbrella and headed for the Disneyland Resort. It wasn't really crowded and I had fun.
Here's another shot from the Mad Hatter's T Party. Alice can sing up a storm, runs all over the stage but still had time to spot my camera.
Kathy and I went to the Disneyland Resort for my birthday. I knew I wanted to go see the Mad T Party band at Disney California Adventure park. We had stumbled on the T Party stage area by chance just prior to the band's first set on a previous visit and I was really taken with the how colorful and visually interesting it was. I was also impressed with how great the band sounded. I wanted to go back with my DSLR and HD Camcorder and take some photos and video. This is one of the shots I got that night.
We all decided to on a whim to go to Disney California Adventure tonight after work to have dinner. My Mom wanted to try out her new camera and Kathy and I were celebrating another month of being married. As of today it's been 4.9166 years but it feels more like 1.4166. It was also my first night time visit to Cars Land and I wanted to check out what I assumed would be very beautiful neon lighting. It exceeded my expectations. I have to go back with a tripod. Sorry for the short post but it's late and I need to go to sleep.
This is Boston again. I was told this is the largest Apple store in the U.S. I guess Apple has found it neccessary to post a night guard because the store was already closed. I wonder if he stands out there all night?
A couple of funny things happened while I was trying to make this image. First, the girl you see standing with the night guard kept asking him "Why don't you ever call me?" and he kept saying "I've been pretty busy." Then she said "Let me give you my phone number again, we should go out and do something, give me a call." He took her number and said in a very non-committal manner that he would try. For any women who read this, here's some advice. If a man doesn't call you after you've given him your number several times and made it clear you're interested, he's never going to call. Furthermore, you probably don't want this guy in your life. Move on to someone else.
Second funny thing: I was about half way through a 30 second exposure when this strange guy walks up to my camera which was mounted on my tripod, and put his head directly in front of the lens, looked into it from about 6" away and asked "Whatcha doin', taking pictures?"
I had spotted this cool old fire house from the windows of the Hynes Convention Center during my first day in Boston. Later that evening my work colleague Mike and I walked over so I could make a few HDR sequences of it. It turned out we were just in time for the end of the blue hour. Fifteen minutes later I was taking photographs of the Apple Store down the street and all color had left the sky. The firehouse was massive and once housed a police station. It was opened on February 20, 1888. If this had been built in Los Angeles, the city council would have long since declared it an eye sore, had it torn down and replaced with a parking lot.
I was in Boston last week for the HOW Design conference. The weather was often humid, stormy and rainy. In other words perfect for HDR photography. Boston is in no way lacking in wonderful architecture, so when I could, I tried to make some images. This is the first church of Christ - Scientist which was built in 1894 and expanded in 1906. I really loved this huge reflecting pond located in the Plaza. I wish it had been more glassy but the wind was blowing and rain was intermittently falling. The clouds were very dramatic and in fact not long after taking this sequence it rained really hard. The church asks that photographs taken from the plaza (as this image was) not be sold or used commercially. So no sales of this image. Sorry.