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Intruder on Deck!

I was walking down the flight deck of the USS Midway aircraft carrier museum in San Diego when I spotted this pristine example of the A6 Intruder looking like it was ready to taxi on to the catapult. I realized that even though I have been to a ton of airplane museums I had never seen an A6 in person. It's impressive to say the least. An all weather day/night attack aircraft, the intruder could and did put bombs on target with great accuracy. 

Intruder on Deck!

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Reader Comments (1)

Okay I'm backtracking through your blog and am so impressed! I love the illustrative, artistic look of these photos. I love photography, taking pictures too. But I actually love giving photos an illustrative look to them.

Do you tutorial any of your techniques?

May 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDale Jackson

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