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to my personal blog. Here I post examples of my photography and writing. I specialize in making unique and highly detailed photographs. Notice I said making and not taking. Yes I take photos but a lot of time and work is involved in pushing and punishing the pixels in my images to achieve the look I like.

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Can't we all just get along?

Entries in Macro (27)


Ready for your closeup?

The Pontiac vehicle that was fortunate enough to have this beautiful ornament attached to it's hood was a beauty. I certainly took more than couple of sets of photos of the car, but as regular readers of this blog will know, I am just crazy for the classic Pontiac hood ornaments, and I was not about to pass up the chance to switch cameras to take this close up image. I'll admit that all the specular highlights I could see on the car right next to it, increased my interest. I expected those specular highlights to resolve themselves into round bokeh dots in the blurred background which they did so I was quite pleased with this shot.

One of the things that I really appreciate being able to do after decades of being a photographer is the ability to look at a scene and quickly identify an opportunity for a memorable photo. I guess I have developed the ability pre-visualize what I might be able to capture when certain individual elements exist that MIGHT result in something good.


Any Day is a Good Day to Photograph a 1957 Chevy Hood

I can't help it. Any time I see a 1957 Chevy Hardtop, Belair, or Nomad I have to photograph the hood rockets with a large aperture lens to blur out the background. I don't know why, I guess I just think they look cool. In the past I have typically taken these shots with my well used 100mm macro but I recently purchased a 40-year-old 70-200mm f2.8 minolta zoom lens that among its other excellent optical qualities, can render beautiful out-of-focus bokeh. I needed a longer large aperture lens to enable me to fill the frame when shooting hood ornaments and while it works well for this purpose, focus accuracy becomes critical as the depth of field is exceedingly narrow, typically 1/8 of an inch at 200mm. This photo was taken at the Riverside Show and Go car show.


Top Notch Pontiac

Kathy and I went to the Majestic Car Club's New Years Day car show at the Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale. Having never been to the show or location before, we didn't know what to expect. The show was huge with what must have been a thousand cars on display in the various parking lots that surround the lake, which itself is encompassed by the dam. We were getting ready to leave when Kathy spotted this Pontiac from across the street. It was parked near the base of the dam's tall rock wall embankment. Regular readers of my blog and/or photostream know how much I love to photograph these iconic Pontiac hood ornaments. This one really stood out with the late afternoon sun streaming through it.  While many original Pontiac hood ornaments are lined with a multitude of internal cracks, this one looked factory fresh. I guess it's a reproduction. The owner mentioned that at night you can flip a switch inside the car and the amber colored Indian head glows. This was shot with a Minolta 100mm macro lens at f2.8 for a very shallow depth-of-field and enhanced bokeh.

Power Glide

I saw this cool old Chevy at the Dia Del Los Muertos event in Uptown Whittier. Everything about it seemed to be distressed and in my eyes all the more interesting for it. It still runs. I've seen it parked around town in various places. I really liked the look of this classic emblem.


1957 Chevy Hood Rocket

An extremely shallow depth of field captures one hood rocket while blurring the other into a hazy outline and a few bokeh dots.


Golden Hour

I had walked by this car earlier in the day and I liked the light then but now the sun was quickly giving way to evening and the light was very difussed and full of color so I decided to walk back to see if the owner had left yet. This is what I saw. So glad I went back.

Step Right Up But Don't Call it a Swan

Two car shows in one weekend. Southern California Bomb Club show in Whittier yesterday and The Cruz'n for the Roses show in South Pasadena today. Kathy would say I wasn't trying very hard. I've known her to visit 3 or 4 shows in a single day! Anyway, this hood ornament was located on the front of a spectacular 1948 Packard Super 8 I found sitting in the sunshine on Mission Street. The owner was very cool and chatted with me for a few minutes letting me know that this was a Cormorant and not a Swan. I think I took 50 shots of this non-Swan alone. Even took a few with my new Lensbaby Edge 80 lens. I was baffled by  a couple of people who, using their cell phone's camera, stepped in front of my camera and tripod telling me "you look like you know what you're doing, let me get this quick shot". I informed them that they were being rude and to ask before stepping in front of me. Glad I look like I know what I'm doing. Mission accomplished I guess.

Time Out for Some Bokeh

I found that taking photos of hood ornaments was a nice break from using my tripod to create HDR sequences at the Car Show by the Sea in San Pedro. While having so many cars packed closely together makes creating a nice HDR composition difficult, it makes macro photography of hood ornaments and emblems a joy. The cars surrounding the object being photographed are for the most part very reflective, with fantastic paint and lots of chrome. This means that when shooting with my macro lens using a very shallow depth-of-field, these reflective background objects are rendered out-of-focus very beautifully.


Chief Pontiac

I've photographed a lot of Pontiac Indian head hood ornaments but I've never seen one made of clear material before. This example was very striking and I took several exposures of it from many viewpoints. This one was a favorite.

It's What's Up Front that Counts

Another cool hood ornament from the Point Fermin Car Show by the Sea in San Pedro. Loving the Bokeh on these shots!